If you’ve been applying to restaurant jobs and you’re not finding a fit, something might be wrong. There are plenty of jobs available in the field for line cooks, chefs, and front of house roles like hosting or waitstaff. If you’ve been sending out your resume or stopping in and filling out applications and you’re not hearing back, read this article to determine if there is something you need to do differently.

Are You Failing to Follow Directions?

If you’ve been applying with no results, slow down for a moment and determine if you’re applying in the wrong way. Watch for ads that try to check your ability to follow directions. Some ads will say send a cover letter and resume. If you miss the cover letter, it may signal that you’re unable to follow directions—and that is critical in the hospitality industry. Pay attention to the details of the job ad to make sure you’re not missing a simple step that disqualifies you.

You’re Not Eager to Get the Job

The hospitality industry offers a solid career path for workers who are interested in learning the restaurant trade. But maybe the job you’re applying for is simply a means to an end; you need more cash for Christmas, or a side job when you’re in school. It’s important, however, that you treat this job application in the same way you would any career choice. If the employer senses you’re less than excited about the opportunity, they may feel like you’ll give their patrons a less than perfect experience. If you’re too laid back, it may appear that you’re not really interested in the job.

Are You a Job Jumper?

The restaurant industry has high turnover; it’s a fact that frustrates most managers. Managers seek to lessen this frustration by hiring workers that have a solid job history. Why waste their time on a worker that has had a series of short-term positions and can’t be trusted to stick around? If you’ve worked for more than two restaurants in a three- or five-year period, you may not get the callbacks you want because you seem high risk for jumping somewhere else.

Are Your Job Interview Skills Up to Par?

The interview process was designed to let employers get to know you before making an offer. If you come across as not friendly, lazy, or rude, you’re not going to get the job. Showing up on time, dressing nicely, and speaking professionally with an employer are important prerequisites to working in the hospitality field. If you’re interviewing, we guarantee that the hiring manager is looking closely at your ability to speak clearly, your cleanliness, and even small things like fidgeting during the interview. If you seem disorganized, how can you balance the myriad tasks associated with waiting tables? If you dress unprofessionally, what host role would you seem to fit? Treat the interview process professionally and you will stand a better chance of a callback.

Contact Gecko Hospitality to find your next restaurant management job.

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