Gecko Hospitality, one of North America’s premiere recruiting firms that connects top talent and companies within the hospitality and restaurant industries, announced the kickoff of its annual “Turkeys for Tots” fundraising drive.
“The number of people — especially children — who experience daily food insecurity in our area is astounding,” said Robert Krzak, President, Gecko Hospitality. “It’s our hope to lessen this burden on Thanksgiving, a day of abundance and thankfulness across the country.”

To double the impact of the community,
Gecko will match donations dollar-for-dollar. Families from several area organizations will receive turkeys this year. Beneficiary organizations are Next Level Church Dream Center, Gladiolus Food Pantry, St. John’s Food Pantry, and Harry Chapin Food Bank.
“Last year, we provided turkeys to 300 families across Southwest Florida,” said Krzak. “This year, it’s our goal to surpass that number and supply 400 turkeys to area families via our community partners.”
To double your donation, visit Gecko’s fundraising page: